Get this! – 26th June 1998

Email from TLJ

you got it?
you could also be a ben, or a chad, definitely a rickie!


Aarons are dependable and talented.
Allens are preppy.
Alexes like porno, usally hot in a skater kinda way
Everyone has an Andy.
Bens are the smart, silent type.
Bills are the ones everyone chases and no one gets to keep.
Bob is the universal name.
Brads try too hard.
Brandons are dark haired, players.
Bretts are shy and clumsy.
Brians usually have only one good feature(but i havent quite found it
Calebs never grow up.
Carters are rich, power-hungry snobs.
Chads are hot, quiet but interesting once you get inside.
Charlies are walking sex.
Chris’ are undefined and should remain so.
Craigs are a little misguided.
Dans are thick.
Daves are impossible to get over.
Dennis’ are quiet, desperate flirts.
Devons are destined for trouble.
Doug is the nice guy that repulses you.
Eds are thbp
Eddies are fast.
Erics are forgettable.
Ethans smell .
Franks and Tonys are Italian Stallions.
Fred is in the chess club.
Fredericks could be snotty.
Garys are gross Nazi’s.
Georges are mild-mannered and have weight problems.
Glens are either short or intelligent.
Gregs are bizarre.
Initial name guys are cool.
Jakes are insecure and slightly repulsive .
James’ are egotistical.
Jamies are shy but cuddly.
Jareds think they are the best thing since sliced bread.
Jasons are fun loving and handsome.
Jeffs are lost puppies, though they are adorable.
Jeremys are a tad fruity.
Jimmy’s are sweet and sexy!
Joes are awkward, shy-guys in first date situations.
Joels are frustrated. tend to hang out with Nelsons
It’s hard to stand out if your name is John.
Joshes are romantic back-stabbers.
Justins mess with your mind.
Kevins have swanky hair.
Keith is built, but dry and annoying. It’s like dating a broom.
Kens just don’t measure-up.
Korys are egotistical, pleasure-driven jerks.
Kyles are horny bastards!
There is always something wrong with a Kurt.
Leonards are avid bug collectors.
Lesters are molesters.
Lonnies are nasty.
Marcus’ are players
Marks are ‘touchy.’
Martins have a strange sense of humor.
Matts are queer- one T or two.
Mikes are rascally, troublesome guys but are usually nice.
Nates are cocky for a reason.
Nelsons are home-schooled.
Nicks are jerks, immature and only want your body.
Owens have large families and drive fast.
Patricks are also incredibly sexy.
Pauls suffer from male-pattern baldness.
Peters are stalkers.
Phils are sensitive but geeky.
Philips are more geeky but equally sensitive.
Rays are players but majorly hot!
Randys have facial hair problems and pyro tendencies.
Richard–Dick, need I say more?
Rickies are very senstive,cute, and charming!
Robs are sleazy and make you feel cheap.
Robins are tormented.
Rod (the name itself) is perverted.
Rons are into pasta.
Roys are so childish.
Ryans are never appreciated.
Sams just like sex.
Scotts are hormonal and usually bad news.
Shawns are sweet in one-on-one situations.
Shanes are shady.
Simons are thin.
Steves are extremes(usually incredibly good looking incredibly bad)
Theos (or Theodores) always make you smile.
Timothys like to be mommied.
Todds are sweet, sporty guys.
Toms are nerdy but poetic. They have that inner something.
Tommys are way to possesive & need to get a life!
Travis’ are dumb jocks.
Tylers are genetically small .
Vances are good conversationalists.
Wesleys are romantic.
Williams are fat.
Zacks are good looking, but aloof.

S: I reckon I’d be better at one on three or four situations but that’s just personal taste I suppose!
Yr cheeky fiend!

ummmmmm….. – 20th June 1998

Email with TLJ

T: BABY, I’m SORRY FOR WAKING YOU UP THIS MORNING….. try not to do it again
only you should have been working!!!!!!!!
love ya heaps, no joke, tlj

S: I’m not sorry – I’m never sorry of the opportunity to talk to you. So here I am back at work – yippee! My love is likewise – fret not sweet angel – everything happens for a reason.

*I want……… – 15th June 1998

Email with TLJ

T: ………… a big bowl of gelato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smeared all over you and let me lick it off!!!!!!!
how are you sweety

S: Not bad at all thank you very much dearest!

T: what time will you be home?

S: About 6-6.30 – I have to buy some vegetables and figure out what ahm gonna cook tonight – you want dinner?

T: still got those unix tests so i can go to your place and mark unix after SM?????

S: No, you’ll have to go straight home to bed young lady….

T: what time you going home???

S: Dint you just ask me that

T: or are you working hard!!!!!

S: Working hard! Oh yeah! Kinda…. Sorta….!

T: See you in the batcave Robin
DJ Freaky Fuckhead

Did you go YumCha? What do you mean you did nothing? I’m real proud of your marks in SS+N you know – one day I’ll ask you to marry me – but not if you get SMARTER than me (and don’t say you already are!)
Catch me soon I hope sweety – what’re yr plans?

T: YOU CHEER ME UP SOO MUCH – don’t ask why i’m emailing you at this time – since i came home, i’ve had a shit time. I

T: hey, i wrote this last night when i was having a really bad time with SM. i’ll tell you about it later. anyhow, what time are you going to be home tonight? my connection to uni keeps fucking up – i had to reconnect about 5 times in half an hour last night!
anyhow, done nothing today – hope today’s been more productive for you.
catch you later, will ring, love tlj

Hey gorgeous! Did u know I love u?

T: i love you!!!!!! thank you for my most excellent prompt – only now I don’t know how people will react.

S: Does it matter! You jest tell em someone who loves you changed yr prompt!

T: love tlj
ps – i love you

S: Me too!!!

*Where you be? – 12th June 1998

Email to TLJ

I offer you my unending affection and undying love – so where you be? Why you no call? Why you no mail?
I be missing you muchly. I want to talk to you (always). Can you visit tonight? Tomorrow night, sat morn, mon pm?
How are your new sunnies?
Come wash my dishes again so I can pull yr pants down.
Thank you for your cleaning last night – I had a great time in your company. Let’s read a play.

T: don’t you read email. i just sent you two (make that three).

S: As the Del-Emmas say – ‘Yeah-yeah’!

*Have a good sleep? – 10th June 1998

Email with TLJ

T: hey, i’m soo tired

S: Don’t fall asleep! You can sleep at my place tonight…

T: everything is shit.

S: Everything? Hopefully not.

T: can’t wait to see you

S: Me too sweetlips

T: i’m so fuckin shitty man – how about you

S: Not too bad, pretty tired too but I got a Pentium 100 chip for nothing today – just need a motherboard now. I burnt my fingers this morning…

T: your emails will cheer me up though.

S: Why did the turtle cross the road?
To go to the Shell garage.

T: come see me!!!

S: When? Where? I’ll do anything for you!!!

T: i’m gonna miss you when you’re gone.

S: Me too, but it won’t be for long I promise.

T: love you honey!!!!!!!!

S: Love you too sweety – see you later alligator

*Nice dreams – 8th June 1998

Email to TLJ:

I hope you had nice dreams last night and not an SM nightmare. Are you all finished now? Happy with your work? It was hard to getup and out of bed this morning, just felt like laying in bed and reading comics and drinking cups of tea while the rain beat down on the window…..if I think about it hard enough I’m there. Maybe I’ll use up some more of those sick days. Toodle-oo

*Edumacation – 2nd June 1998

Email with TLJ

Hey, thanks for the education last night in Dial-Up Networking and Telnet – you’re a Unix Queen! I did some more mucking around last night changing the prompt and setting up aliases. They only keep the setting for that session though. I want them as default – I know they’ll be a setting somewhere – do you know where it is – could be in the /usr/passwd file maybe. Anyway, enough of that techo talk. thanks for a wonderful night last night and I’m glad you din’t get too upset at yr thrashings at gin rummy! i was very sporting in my loss at Spit I thought.
I had a dream last night that I had a big toenail – just on the left foot.

catch ya honey. hope you’re having a great day, Shaun went all the way, with tlj!!!!!!!!!

I like this – can we do it again?

T: alright sweety, here’s how i think you can do it. vi or pico your .cshrc file and set up aliases in there – for example, an entry could be
alias dir ‘ls-la’, or
alias exit ‘bye’ or something like that. if this doesn’t work, i don’t know what will – is this what you wanted to know?

i hope this email has been informative and helpful. now i gotta print some stuff off.

speak to you later, love tlj

Another quick Q then. What is your .cshrc file? Also how do I do a list of .cshrc files from the root searching all subdirectories (so I can find where this file is stored?) Yes, what you wrote below is what I want to do
you are a legend – very informative and helpful – thank you baby
Yes, please speak to me later.

T: the file is stored in my /student/tl** directory. it is a hidden file, thus you have to do a dir or ls-la on it as ‘-a’ shows all hidden files. does this answer part of your question? oh – you mean on your machine????? umm try ls-al anyway, and i’ll get back to you if this doesn’t work ok?
glad to be able to help in any way.
love tlj

T: sorry i mean alias bye exit as is the one in my .cshrc file.

S: Does this mean you can type bye at the command prompt and it will execute exit?

T: if you want you can pico my .cshrc file but don’t fuck with anything ok? punk…….

S: Only with you sweety – I don’t wanna pico yr files anyway – not after my telling off last night!

T: was pretty jovial this morning and wanted to jump up and down and see you

S: Ahh, wish you coulda…

T: but just feeling very sleepy now.

S: Me too….zzzzzz

T: have a great time tonight, TLJ

S: I’m debating whether to go or not….maybe find out how much it costs first…YOU have a great time tonight too – whatever you are doing

T: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you’re getting the hang of it – so am I actually. i thought i’d only learnt to email at uni…

Decided not to go tonight – I’m too tired and should save some cash (I can watch DC instead!). I want to go next Tuesday to the Iron Duke (perhaps you can go to that one?). Hope yr having a good day and hope you get yr SM finished today.

T: i think tonight sounds even better – aren’t all those noise bands you love so much playing??? i think you’d really have fun. anyway, i’m sorry you’re not going…….i wish i could go.
love tlj
ps – any more luck with .cshrc thing????

T: wanted to come see you, but was busy printing

S: What kind of piss-poor excuse is this???? So you’d rather be printing than coming to see me. I hope it was double-sided colour and not some cheap B+W you picked up on the corner.

T: and now it’s 1:30 and I’ve got to get home to do sm before josh comes.

S: Read that last sentence back (with a perverted mind)….I really don’t wanna think about it.

T: hope i can see you tomorrow


T: love ya sweety, tlj – ring ya from home (and bed)

S: You did – thank you!