*Edumacation – 2nd June 1998

Email with TLJ

Hey, thanks for the education last night in Dial-Up Networking and Telnet – you’re a Unix Queen! I did some more mucking around last night changing the prompt and setting up aliases. They only keep the setting for that session though. I want them as default – I know they’ll be a setting somewhere – do you know where it is – could be in the /usr/passwd file maybe. Anyway, enough of that techo talk. thanks for a wonderful night last night and I’m glad you din’t get too upset at yr thrashings at gin rummy! i was very sporting in my loss at Spit I thought.
I had a dream last night that I had a big toenail – just on the left foot.

catch ya honey. hope you’re having a great day, Shaun went all the way, with tlj!!!!!!!!!

I like this – can we do it again?

T: alright sweety, here’s how i think you can do it. vi or pico your .cshrc file and set up aliases in there – for example, an entry could be
alias dir ‘ls-la’, or
alias exit ‘bye’ or something like that. if this doesn’t work, i don’t know what will – is this what you wanted to know?

i hope this email has been informative and helpful. now i gotta print some stuff off.

speak to you later, love tlj

Another quick Q then. What is your .cshrc file? Also how do I do a list of .cshrc files from the root searching all subdirectories (so I can find where this file is stored?) Yes, what you wrote below is what I want to do
you are a legend – very informative and helpful – thank you baby
Yes, please speak to me later.

T: the file is stored in my /student/tl** directory. it is a hidden file, thus you have to do a dir or ls-la on it as ‘-a’ shows all hidden files. does this answer part of your question? oh – you mean on your machine????? umm try ls-al anyway, and i’ll get back to you if this doesn’t work ok?
glad to be able to help in any way.
love tlj

T: sorry i mean alias bye exit as is the one in my .cshrc file.

S: Does this mean you can type bye at the command prompt and it will execute exit?

T: if you want you can pico my .cshrc file but don’t fuck with anything ok? punk…….

S: Only with you sweety – I don’t wanna pico yr files anyway – not after my telling off last night!

T: was pretty jovial this morning and wanted to jump up and down and see you

S: Ahh, wish you coulda…

T: but just feeling very sleepy now.

S: Me too….zzzzzz

T: have a great time tonight, TLJ

S: I’m debating whether to go or not….maybe find out how much it costs first…YOU have a great time tonight too – whatever you are doing

T: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you’re getting the hang of it – so am I actually. i thought i’d only learnt to email at uni…

Decided not to go tonight – I’m too tired and should save some cash (I can watch DC instead!). I want to go next Tuesday to the Iron Duke (perhaps you can go to that one?). Hope yr having a good day and hope you get yr SM finished today.

T: i think tonight sounds even better – aren’t all those noise bands you love so much playing??? i think you’d really have fun. anyway, i’m sorry you’re not going…….i wish i could go.
love tlj
ps – any more luck with .cshrc thing????

T: wanted to come see you, but was busy printing

S: What kind of piss-poor excuse is this???? So you’d rather be printing than coming to see me. I hope it was double-sided colour and not some cheap B+W you picked up on the corner.

T: and now it’s 1:30 and I’ve got to get home to do sm before josh comes.

S: Read that last sentence back (with a perverted mind)….I really don’t wanna think about it.

T: hope i can see you tomorrow


T: love ya sweety, tlj – ring ya from home (and bed)

S: You did – thank you!

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