*Have a good sleep? – 10th June 1998

Email with TLJ

T: hey, i’m soo tired

S: Don’t fall asleep! You can sleep at my place tonight…

T: everything is shit.

S: Everything? Hopefully not.

T: can’t wait to see you

S: Me too sweetlips

T: i’m so fuckin shitty man – how about you

S: Not too bad, pretty tired too but I got a Pentium 100 chip for nothing today – just need a motherboard now. I burnt my fingers this morning…

T: your emails will cheer me up though.

S: Why did the turtle cross the road?
To go to the Shell garage.

T: come see me!!!

S: When? Where? I’ll do anything for you!!!

T: i’m gonna miss you when you’re gone.

S: Me too, but it won’t be for long I promise.

T: love you honey!!!!!!!!

S: Love you too sweety – see you later alligator

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