*Amber – 15th September 1998

Email with TLJ:

S: The Chinese believed that amber was made when tigers died and they became buried in the ground.
I knew a girl called Amber. She had bright orange hair. She was cute. But not as cute as you.

T: wow, how weird – i know (how weirder still – wow, how, and know all end in “ow”!!!!!!) a girl called AMBER SPARKS and her hair is bright orange too!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she’s from Queensland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
baby, how can i open a powerepoint95 presentation in powerpoint4????? is there anyway of opening it as a 97 document, then saving it as a v4 one???????? it’s a far shot, but otherwise, we’re screwed!!!!!!!
can you solve this one mr senior technical support analyst?????
thanks baaaaaaaaaaaaab-beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, tlj

S: LTL (Chinese name)
You’re screwed! I don’t think you can convert to PP4. You may be able to cut each slide and paste into Word. Save the Word Document then go to the PP4 machine open the Word Doc and paste from Word into PP4. Don’t know how well that would work though. Can you get to a PP95/97 machine and save as PP4? You can definitely save as PP4 – but run through the slide show to make sure it works before you do your presentation!!!!
Did the fact that she’s from Queensland deserve all those exclamation marks?
I miss you muchly – I mean real bad.

*Money – 11th September 1998

Email to TLJ:

Had a fairly relaxing and inexpensive lunchtime. I walked to the library and read some more of my book. Found a couple of others there that look interesting when I finish reading everything else. I wish there was a comic book library. Spent 1 dollar on two onion bhajis. Got an apple and a banana for the rest of my lunch. Can’t wait to get out of here. My neck is killing me!
Hope yr day is going good. Think positive baby

*Sore – 10th September 1998

Email with TLJ

T: my bottom lip is really sore from natalie kneeing me in the mouth yesterday….so i’m pouting more than usual, and i’m having a really bad day already. so cheer me up babe.
love you sweety, hope you got plenty of sleep last night. sorry for waking you, tlj

S: I’m missing you so much sweety. I wish I could kiss your ailments away – maybe you could do the same in return. I’m really down about my financial situation. I sent a cheque to the Credit Union but they haven’t received it yet – it’s for 370 dollars -I could really do with some of that. I’ll be miserly til I get paid again except I have to pay for HJ’s birthday lunch on Sunday. You really mean so much to me – I feel closer to you every day. I hope yr day will get better – try to stay calm and concentrate on yr study and on doing the best you can. I dint get to work til 9 – I slept in! Glad to speak to you last night cos I miss you so.
Love from yr biggest fan

T: love you baby, i’m really missing you – oh, and i finally found out who Chris Han was, although i didn’t speak to him – it was Chrishan!!!!! – my friend from school, and my dad wrote the name wrong – pretty funny huh?
anyway, i knew he was having a dinner for his birthday that night but didn’t think i was invited. I think he must have rung me up to invite me. everyone was going to joo’s party after as well – see the night i missed out on!!!
oh, and in case you didn’t get my last mail (i sent it to .com.au – does that matter?) i’m trying to open it in version 6 word 95.

S: Well, my name is Shaunhems Lee. haha.
csc.com or csc.com.au all comes to my Lotus Notes now. Don’t send to the hotmail account if you want a quick reply though – there 150 mails there waiting to be read! I’m sorry you missed out on that big night – I feel responsible and will make it up to you somehow. I answered yr question already – although you prob dint like the answer.

T: but none of the other word 97 documents i’ve saved have specified that it’s a msword document.

S: What do you mean? I would think you’ve saved all yours as word6/word95 so you can open them in word 95. This document you’ve been given has prob been saved as a word97 doc.

T: it’s not mine by the way (the kid i mean).

S: What do you mean?????

T: but i’ll give it a try. thanks babe. tlj

S: Well, thank you my little Chinese angel.

T: ok, so it worked – you are the greatest babe – and no the document was not mine!

S: Thank you thank you thank you
No – you are the greatest…..

*Thanks – 9th September 1998

Email to TLJ

Thanks for calling last night. I’m sorry I was real tired. I didn’t feel at all good. I went to bed at 11 and didn’t even read a comic before going to sleep. I just got home, whacked some stuff in the oven, ate, watched TV for ten minutes and went to bed. My neck is still really sore causing me grief in my eyes. My right leg hurts too. Weird. Thinking about you all the time. love you muchly. Speak to you when you can.

*Damn you! – 8th September 1998

Email with TLJ

S: It’s 8.28 and I’m thinking about you sweety. I been thinking about you all night and all morning. Hope you got to uni OK and that you can concentrate today. Did I mention the pills. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten anyway.
Call me when you can. I would dearly like to see you later even if only to drop you home. Let me know what you think.
Your best friend

T: well i took the pills and feel pretty awful now. I’m getting worried cause i seem to be having bad luck lately.

T: ok, so i’m supposed to be in D D/b right now, but i’m not – so????? if I had got to uni at 2 instead of 3 (because someone refused to drop me) then i might have considered it. anyway i got there and looked at the back row it was so funny. marty was sitting reading the uni newspaper, joe was asleep with his head against the wall, and jeff was asleep and sprawled over his desk – all three sitting there together. marty said the harbour cruise was the best fun. couldn’t find sue di or tu at the lecture, they had all just left.
sandie’s keen on her friend’s friend – tell you about it later.
catch ya babe

S: Sorry you are in such a bad mood but it really is NOT MY FAULT!!!
Why’d you get there so late? And I didn’t refuse to take you – you pleaded with me not to bother……

S: Thanks for calling last night. I’m sorry I was real tired. I didn’t feel at all good. I went to bed at 11 and didn’t even read a comic before going to sleep. I just got home whacked some stuff in the oven, ate, watched TV for ten minutes and went to bed. My neck is still really sore causing me grief in my eyes. My right leg hurts too. Weird. Thinking about you all the time. love you muchly. Speak to you when you can.

*Yes – 7th September 1998

Email with TLJ

S: You know Yes is my favouritist word. I think I got da bug – I got running things out my behind and I think I have go to the toilet now and my big fat tum aches inside. I know the cure so come rub me better. Thinking, dreaming of you always and what you are and who you be and what it means to me. Angel like, that’s you

T: in a rush, gotta go, just writing to let you know how much i like you. i like you very much – love even, well maybe.

T: well, di wants to go shoppng instead of working,

S: She’s such a girl

T: so i’m gonna exchange my dad’s shoes

S: and she’s conned you into going shopping too right

T: and then probably go home (or to your place) to do some work.

S: Yes,yes,yaasss

T: I’m really worried about marketing now, cause we actually have to do 9 chapters!!!!!

S: Don’t worry – you’ll be cool -I’ll leave you alone OK.

T: anyway, tu split up the chapters between us, so i only have to do chapter 8. but i still won’t feel comfortable not having summarised all the chapters myself!

S: Yeah, I agree – well read it all and you will explain it to me.

T: how did the ultrasound go? hope you’re ok babe.

S: I’m OK aren’t I?

T: love tlj

S: I want your love

*Operations – 6th September 1998

Email with TLJ

T: how’s your day been so far? hope it’s going well. apparently, sheera’s real name is princess adora – hah! pat wrote and told us all. anyway, sorry for keeping you up last night. still want to hear everything you did last night. real tired, only had about 5 hours sleep – how about you. anyway, how come you haven’t emailed me yet?
just doing sdd stuff. got a timesheet to do. email me babe.

S: Only just got here sweety. Remember I went to the doctors this morning. I have to have an ultrasound and may need surgery! Not sure if the Workers Comp will cover that and worried they might want all the money back. I’m real tired too. I wish you were here.
Missing you. Need coffee.
I mean REALLY missing you. Not the normal every day missing you that I day but a long heart aching miss of your breath on my cheek…..

T: i’m sorry you have so many things wrong with you (though i think you’re perfect!).
anyway, had the weirdest dream….I was supposed to meet my SDD group at 11am, and mel (from my sdd group) had sent invitations for this dinner/party at her house, that started at 1, and she didn’t want anyone turning up later than 1. anyway, in actuality, i don’t know what mel thinks of me, cause when we were doing sdd, we weren’t really on the same wavelength in understanding each other – but we were the two that knew and understood the most about it, but i left it to her to compile our documentation together – so the fact she invited me was weird – and i was really eager to see what her husband looked like – (just curious, because she talks about him sometimes).
anyway, when i got to uni whilst waiting for the sdd meeting, i went to see this performance, and they were giving out free magnums (the iceblocks – the food had to come in somewhere) and I saw eric and told him i couldn’t sell his friend my SM textbook. he said it was ok.
then i realised it was 2pm, and i had missed the sdd meeting AND mel’s party – but was still keen to go to mel’s.
also, i didn’t have anything to take to mel’s and thought she’d resent me even more if I didn’t take anything along – so i went to shop for wine, and met some other people on this grassy hill (kathleen was there for some of my dream).
anyway, that’s not the wierd part. i was phoning you from outside your office – like at csc when you ring from the phone just outside the door, but our lines crossed and i started talking to your boss jacqui and you.
anyway, she sounded like a real bitch and really sarcastic, so I decided to muck around with her a bit – being a real smartarse. and she was sarcastically asking for paper for the printer or something, and i was feeling pretty smug saying shit back to her.
then she hung up, and i got a scare because she burst out the door and grabbed hold of me and told me i was never going to work at csc ever!!!!!!!!!
i think it was a premonition. anyway, sorry to bore you with my dream, but it was so vivid, and funny that i dreamed it. i even remember what jacqui looked like and was wearing!
anyway, please explain it to me. i couldn’t write anything raunchy last email cause i was talking to the first year who thinks i am a militant lesbian, and well, i couldn’t ruin the fantasy for him!!!!!!

S: Not sure I can explain but it’s funny as fuck! Lucky you not having to ever work at CSC!! Not sure I like you being someone else’s fantasy. I think you should be just mine – actually I guess you are my reality (as you help me with my fantasies). Anyway – don’t want them thinking funny things about you. Tell them you have a mean mother of a boyfriend who’ll come beat him up. You never bore me sweety. Oh yeah – I’m still missing you.
Lots to say but too little time and also brain is on go slow due to tiredness. Mail me all day though!!

S: Ahh, yr the sweetest little thing

T: i remember after she came and yelled at me though, that i’d blown my chances and i’d never be able to work at CSC – and i was real disappointed. do you think jacqui would do that to me?

S: Anything to get things the way she wants them – watch out babe this is the real world and prepare to be crushed.

T: will keep emailing you. hearing from you is fun. missing you too babe.

S: I love the ding of new mail

T: just physio tonight?

S: Yes. and sleep at last.

T: i think our family is living on the edge and perhaps going indian tonight – cause nat’s bored with chinese.

S: Well, that’s what i was thinking last night while I was talking to Dharmini!!!! ONLY JOKING – DON’T HIT ME – well not til I’m ready.

T: we didn’t get mum anything so i feel bad, but i hope the party we throw her will cheer her up.

S: Is she unhappy – how can you tell.

T: anyway, i’ll keep looking. dad made croissants this morning, and kath got her chocolates and dried apricots or something (though mum made it pretty clear to her she didn’t want chocolates or flowers this year!) but dad
doesn’t seem to get the message – how could anyone not want chocolates and flowers i ask you? or kitchen appliances for that matter – or irons………..

S: Someone to iron too hey

T: real tired as well, though my fingers aren’t keeping up with the brain so well (what’s new) – and there’s so much i’d like to tell ya. notice the length of my mails to yours – mine’s longer – but what’s new? – ha!

S: I’m sorry but I’m happy. Thanks for your beautiful time

T: i’m full of energy babe, full of you, tlj

S: I’m full of you and I’ll be full of energy too if you come right here and sit on my lap.
Soon, sooner, soonest

T: that dharmini comment’s the funniest thing i’ve heard all week – can’t stop laughing – i look like a git. man that was such a good call…….you bastard!

S: I’ll take that as a compliment!

T: love the name. also love ari for a girl.

S: The singer in the Slits was called Ari Up.

T: anyway, if you’re that bored with chinese, try something else.

S: Well, I’m not, so there!

T: now you tell me, what’s irish and spanish cuisine like? heard an awful lot about the tapas and paellas – fiery!

S: Jeez, man you the one who watches all the cooking progs on TV. Din’t you see Iain Hewitson (or whatever his fat name is) do his tour of European cuisine. Only remember Italy actually but sure they went to Spain too. As for Irish they just eat anything and potatoes and you have to drink ten pints of Guiness at lunch time then it doesn’t matter what the food tastes like.

T: love to try them all one day, won’t stop til i’ve tasted all the nations – i’m very multicultural.

S: Watch out for Pauline. Yes – we’ll try them together – you go the meat I’ll go the veggies (cos I’m cool and yr not)

T: quick thinking – i thought you were tired, but you’re just crude.

S: Don’t understand this comment

T: i hate that in a man, and in english food – getting fucking tired of just plain old bangers and mash!

S: What the fick are talking bout sweety. PLEASE EXPLAIN!

T: better keep me satisfied babe, tlj.

S: Well, howm ah doing?

T: ps – HA!

S: PS HA2! Loving ya sexy

T: well, you vague little thing – you say you’re getting bored with Chinese, so I’m a gonna get bored with english. get it? you were talking bout girls (I was talking about food)

S: Ah, well now I understand you see cos you are always thinking bout food and I’m always thunking bout girls and in particular one little cute girl on the end of these mails, namely you , you understand.

T: so know i’m talking about both – men and food (bangers and mash and you). still don’t get it? i’ve gotta go.

S: Yr gone.

T: have fun, love tlj. ps – you’ve kept me entertained this morning. thanks babe.

S: The same!

*Unix – 5th September 1998

Email with TLJ

S: Where you bin? I bin calling you no answer me. Snubber? Like friday mon – you snub me.
Snub me no more lady I no like it.

T: well, i was just out having lunch with two older gentlemen – who paid for me! and it was yum-cha!

S: Damn it babe you make me so jealous. Who are these old guys – I’ll kill em!

T: so i couldn’t answer the phone. anyway, you still meeting me babe? what time, where? are you going straight to the harbourside brasserie – cause if you are you should meet me at uni, and i’ll see if i can go out from there.

S: I guess I can meet you at uni but I probably won’t get there til about 7. If you want you can come meet me in Chatswood or just wait at the bar for me – let me know.

T: anyway, i know you’ll be at the physio, so reply with a time to meet and a place, and if i can’t make it, i’ll leave a message on your answering machine.

S: Well, meet me at the bar at around 7. Otherwise meet me in Chatswood – I’ll drop you home if you have to go home or we can amble down into the city stopping for a coffee or something on the way. How does that sound?

T: feeling a bit sick though.

S: I have a cure for that.

T: better go, classes start in 10 mins. had a great time looking at books in the co-op shop. there’s so much stuff I just gotta read!

S: You know what I’m gonna say don’t you?

T: ok, be at the bar around 7 but be there quick – or i’ll get pissed…………………………off, and i’ll leave.

S: I’ll be there soon as I can sweetheart – you betcha oh yes dolly babe

T: by the way, don’t you dare kill those GENTLEmen – i think they’re pretty rich and handsome. they can drive too, and they’re of very high breeding – very good bloodline so i’ve heard.

S: Inbred? Seriously – any friend of yours is a friend of mine (if they wanna be of course (and most of them don’t (oh well)))

T: see ya babe, tlj.

S: You will and you better believe this monkey’s coming at ya full force dynamo baby shock baby boo

*Kodak – 4th September 1998

Emails to TLJ

When you lay with your head gentle on my lap last night your beauty rose up to my eyes and I wanted to capture that moment, hold it in my memory forever and lose myself. This is where I want to be, always.

I hope that you don’t need to worry unnecessarily about what your friends think of you, me, us…. You can just tell them you went to the music festival with me and that’s why I was there. They know how much I am into music and how interested you were in that aspect. Hope you have a good day at uni today and sure wish to be seeing you soon.

There’s a part in On The Road where Sal goes to sit on the banks of ‘his beloved” Mississippi leaving Dean and MaryLou at Bull Lee’s place. When he gets there he finds the river fenced off and says ‘When they separate the rivers from the people…then what is the world coming to”. All those years ago JK stood at the Mississippi and then recently JB stood there, where there was no fence and chose to take a fatal dip. Both our revolutionary heroes now gone.

Was wonderful to doze together on Saturday. Come be in my arms again sweet angel. You are the best.

*Notes – 3rd September 1998

Email with TLJ

S: Hey. Hope yr having a fine day. I’m still lost and gone in last night. Hope you can come along tonight after Patti Smith. Daevid Allen is tomorrow night. Me, I’m every night! (For you)
Shaunus the Menace

T: thanks for last night babe.

S: Anytime – you got it!

T: still lost with ya.


T: i still don’t know what my plans are for tonight, i may have to skip what is music and go tomorrow night instead,

S: OK – you take care getting home tonight though.

T: though i was still pretty keen to see Jad Fair and Daevid Allen.

S: Yeah, I think Jad Fair should be interesting but all the others will be good. Looking forward to Sportsbra who is Nick from Phlegm (I think).

T: Hum’s address is 81 oxford st. paddington,

S: I’ll meet you there although I’ll probably be late and may not be able to get in. I’ll meet you outside after it’s finished. If YOU can’t get in then I’ll meet you outside and maybe we’ll go get some dinner somewhere (cheap). Actually I could probably give you a lift to a station somewhere when you need to go home. WIM starts at 8(ish).

T: and ph 9331 xxxx for enquiries. I’m hoping to get there early. what time do you reckon you’ll leave what is music? tonight?

S: If you go whenever you want – if you don’t go then whenever I want! Probably late -just depends on how tired I am but I’ll try and see it all.

T: i was thinking i might get the new patti smith cd to see if i can get it signed. – but it’ll probably be too busy.

S: Good idea – tell her to say hello to Bob from me! (Have you heard the new Patti Smith though?) Toe to Toe covered Rock N Roll Nigger as an encore to their show at the Iron Duke recently. Great song.

T: write me what you’re doing buddy babe, tlj

S: Falling deeper and deeper in love!