*Damn you! – 8th September 1998

Email with TLJ

S: It’s 8.28 and I’m thinking about you sweety. I been thinking about you all night and all morning. Hope you got to uni OK and that you can concentrate today. Did I mention the pills. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten anyway.
Call me when you can. I would dearly like to see you later even if only to drop you home. Let me know what you think.
Your best friend

T: well i took the pills and feel pretty awful now. I’m getting worried cause i seem to be having bad luck lately.

T: ok, so i’m supposed to be in D D/b right now, but i’m not – so????? if I had got to uni at 2 instead of 3 (because someone refused to drop me) then i might have considered it. anyway i got there and looked at the back row it was so funny. marty was sitting reading the uni newspaper, joe was asleep with his head against the wall, and jeff was asleep and sprawled over his desk – all three sitting there together. marty said the harbour cruise was the best fun. couldn’t find sue di or tu at the lecture, they had all just left.
sandie’s keen on her friend’s friend – tell you about it later.
catch ya babe

S: Sorry you are in such a bad mood but it really is NOT MY FAULT!!!
Why’d you get there so late? And I didn’t refuse to take you – you pleaded with me not to bother……

S: Thanks for calling last night. I’m sorry I was real tired. I didn’t feel at all good. I went to bed at 11 and didn’t even read a comic before going to sleep. I just got home whacked some stuff in the oven, ate, watched TV for ten minutes and went to bed. My neck is still really sore causing me grief in my eyes. My right leg hurts too. Weird. Thinking about you all the time. love you muchly. Speak to you when you can.

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