The Fountain Spring – 26th August 2023

Longing for those days again
Joyful plays in the sparkling sun
No matter the winds of change
You gotta grow up some

The spirit is the fountain spring
Forever trying to stay young
The mind and body know
You gotta grow up some

If the balance is off-kilter
There’s something to be done
Innocence cannot remain
You gotta grow up some

Keep the energetic wide-eyed sparkle
Everything will be fun
Don’t forget, at the end of the day
You gotta grow up some

wishing for more shiny things

Today I’m feeling:

Slow and achy. Slept for ten pretty good hours and woke to some aches and pains from my exercise this week. Push through again next week. Make it normal. No real plan for today beyond hanging out the washing and maybe vacuuming. The most stress will be deciding what to eat.

Today I’m grateful for:

The brief sunshine this morning that got my clothes 90% dry before a quick rain shower happened and I had to quickly drag it all inside the kitchen to get completely dry.

The best thing about today was:

Listening to Eat Avery’s Bones whilst phasing in and out of lucid dreams.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

Napping from about 4-6 pm kinda messed up my eating plans as I felt so tired that I would sleep again soon, so I didn’t want to eat a meal. I’ve been snacking all day instead and just about to get back into bed. I can eat tomorrow.

Who do I need to thank?

I generally thank everyone at the required moments in time. I don’t think I have anything in the past that specifically requires thanks though I could reaffirm my thanks to many people for their little slices of influence on me over my lifetime.

I took this picture last weekend because, on our bike ride, we came across this garden area that looked like it was being renovated. It’s on a main road but not a busy one and I’m curious who is likely to pay to come and look around here.

Let me know your thoughts