Foreign Policy – 12th October 2023

When my boot is on your neck
I’ll offer you charity for your aid
Then once our positions are understood
Your debt to me needs to be repaid

I’m sympathetic to all your woes
But don’t finger-point at me
Even though it’s no longer a secret
About my foreign policy

The blame lies back with yourself
And your own quest to rule
The floods and famine of God’s will
And you’ve been played the fool

You are the pirates, as I steal
You are the dictator, as I dictate
Look around for your own slaves
And look to me to imitate

I rained down democratic bombs
Gave you the freedom you need
You’re exactly where you are wanted
Precisely as I agreed

Today I’m feeling:

(2 am) Despite a long day, I’m still awake. Have a headache and tense legs. I want to sleep. I know I’m tired. But my body just won’t let me.

I’ve watched a star travel from the middle of the window until the edge, over these last three hours.

(11 am) I woke up again around 7 am with the sun shining through the window and was wide awake again for another hour. I managed to get up despite not wanting to, as I want to get coffee!

Today I’m grateful for:

Being able to link my Aussie bank card to Apple Pay which makes it easy to pay for things here.

The best thing about today was:

The evening of jazz was nice and I enjoyed it.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

After looking forward to walking down King Street in Newtown I was disappointed in the shops that are there now and that despite it being late-night shopping, everywhere except for bars and restaurants were already closing before 6 pm. The city too seems a little over-gentrified with only a few old-school shops being able to hold on and it won’t be long for them either. This is not my city anymore.

Something I learned today?

Sydney is not what it used to be.

I got a message today that we go back to school on the 27th which gives me a couple of extra recovery days. However, for some reason they want us to work at the weekend too! I think for us we can probably just go and clock in though. I’m not sure what they expect us to be doing really.

What is one thing that I have always wanted to create?

Since enjoying music so much in my life I’ve also wanted to make it. Unfortunately, I have little talent or education and now I don’t make enough time to do it despite having the tools available. There’s still plenty of time left, right?

I took this picture because this is the first, and maybe last, time at Lazybones jazz club in Marrickville.

Let me know your thoughts