Seventeen – 4th December 2023

I’m seventeen today
I’ve learned very little so far
Don’t expect so much
This is the way we are

I’m only seventeen
This is no time for babies
The future so uncertain
My life so full of maybes

Yes, I’m seventeen
Full of doubts and bluster
I can do anything
With the energy I can muster

I’m already seventeen
Stop telling me what to do
I can do what I want
I don’t need to listen to you

I’m dead at seventeen
My life already done
Everything a disaster
Will eighteen never come?

I’m still seventeen
Inside an adult insecure
Learning all about life
Always growing more

Today I’m feeling:

Back to normal though I still have some phlegm on my chest but it doesn’t bother me now. I’m feeling good and positive mentally too.

Today I’m grateful for:

The bread shop at Big C that has a black sesame mochi-bread type thing that is a yummy snack and then a little chocolate pastry that I follow up with. It’s a small treat for myself sometimes.

The best thing about today was:

Having a reasonably simple but long (for me) conversation in Thai with Goya about the colours of the day in Thailand and the colours of the shirts we were wearing and our shirts for sports day. It was only as I walked away I realised that we’d been speaking in Thai the whole time and I felt a little bit proud of myself. I’m grateful to Goya for that today.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

I had a simple class in the morning and the kids were trying to catch up on work for their science class, which frustrated me at first.

I took all their work away telling them that there was plenty of time and that if they finished my class they would be free to do the work they wanted. They reluctantly agreed and most of the class completed the work with plenty of time to spare…. except three students who wanted to go to the bathroom and disappeared for about 20 minutes.

It is still a case of herding cats with some of these kids though they are slowly improving.

Something I learned today?

Brodie Grundy has joined the Swans from Collingwood. Amy used to mention how handsome he was whenever she saw him playing but she’s not so keen now he’s looking a bit older.

Review your acts, and then for vile deeds chide yourself, for good be glad. — Discourses 3.10

Once again I offered Earn some advice because she is shy to talk to the boy she likes. I told her that if she doesn’t talk to him she will never know how he feels. And if she does talk to him then she will know and whatever way he feels about is a positive outcome for her.

Really, she is not shy at all, she is just scared of rejection. She agreed. She then wanted to focus on how pretty she was. I told her that that is only one element of who she is and not to get so hung up on it. She appreciated my advice but I’m not sure that she is strong enough to act on it (yet).

Little Nicha is also crushing on a boy in her class but insists that he doesn’t like her. She is also too shy to find out. I talked to him a little today, asking if he liked any girls in the class but he is either too shy to talk about it or hasn’t even thought about it yet. The girls seem ready for ‘romance’ whilst the boys are stuck on football and video games.

I don’t know if I have the best advice for these kids but what I do want to get across to the girls is to be strong and independent.

I joined Baipad, Jan and Apple in the canteen at lunchtime and they also introduced me to their friend Chompoo. I tried to get them all talking about things in English as much as I could instead of looking at their phones.

Quote: “You’re only poor if you give up. The most important thing is that you did something. Most people only talk and dream of getting rich. You’ve done something.” – Robert T. Kiyosaki

I don’t consider myself rich though where I live others might consider me so. I still gauge things in Aussie dollars and in comparison, I’m not rich at all. Comfortable, I suppose. 

I never really expected to be rich and when I dreamt about it I was fully aware it was a dream. I never thought to try and marry rich or even chase money particularly. I was lucky to have a very well-paying job for a few years and whilst saving some I also invested it into philanthropic art with my music label.

So all this time I was busy doing things, doing something. In fact, I even made a T-shirt that just had two words on the front ‘do something’. I had been practising this even before leaving England with my free pamphlet ‘Fuck Around’. 

Whether you like something or not, you have no right to reply if you are doing nothing yourself.

One of the purposes of this trail of words on this blog is to look back at all the something I did.

I got this picture from August because my students were supposed to be working but hid themselves behind some stage props in the classroom and started their own little photo shoot. As the quality of the picture shows I caught them before they got very far. I told them that if they didn’t finish my work today I would send the pictures to their homeroom teacher and, sufficiently threatened, they mostly got on with it. It was an empty threat anyway, I just wanted to see my naughty students having fun. Pictured are Fah and Nicha (holding the guitar).

Loyal Bones – 22nd August 2023

Loyal bones are buried everywhere in the green hills*
It’s not the revolutions that make our end
For the good of all may be the bitterest of pills
But is just a moment of the life you’ll spend

The mountains green, the never-ending seas
They belong to us, all of our humanity
They can be divided in any way we please
For the good of everyone’s sanity

Your loyal bones will be all too soon forgotten
But the paths you made will be followed
Each generation new bones become rotten
After those bitter pills have been swallowed

*This line is from Xi Jinping

Today I’m feeling:

Very good and relaxed again. Even though I’m not excited about having to take Tigger to the vet again after work I feel like I have the energy to get me through. Today was the second day doing double exercise and though it’s tough I’m feeling better for it.

Today I’m grateful for:

Meeting my grade 10 students by chance in the library and having good meaningful conversations with them. Outside the classroom, there is more space to relax and chat and they were very keen and didn’t want me to leave. We struggled by with their poor English, my poor Thai and translation. It was nice, though I had planned to do some printing and ran out of time.

The best thing about today was:

As this semester nears its end I feel like all my classes clearly understand what I require of them. This was exemplified today with my grade 8 class whom I gave work to do before my class and they understood that if they did the work beforehand they could just show me, fix any errors and then they were free to go at class time.

Along with the conscientious kids, all the usually lazy ones are the first to get it done because they want to be finished for the day as soon as they can. There’s about half the class that don’t worry either way but I can see them working together to do the work quickly during class time. 

They are learning the benefits of getting the job done at least and don’t complain at me any more!

At the same time, I have made my life easier too!

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

Taking Tigger to the vet and I’m stuck on the highway in a non-moving traffic jam. I can’t even see ahead to what is causing it and I’m imagining that some workers are stupidly doing something at rush hour because that happens here often.

(later) It was. Laying drains to stop flooding. Why do it in the rainy season! Why do it during the day and at rush hour?

Something I learned today?

Sinead O’Connor has died. I never really got into her music but I did respect her in some ways. She seemed to be an outsider, stuck inside the music industry. In my old one-sheet giveaway fanzine Fuck Around each issue I dedicated a section to a picture of her titled Sinead O’Corner and left it without any context. I just thought she was attractive with her tomboy hair. As I perceived her as an underdog I rooted for her. Ripping up a picture of the Pope on live TV gained my deepest respect.

Do I spend more time thinking about the future or the past?

The past of course! That’s what this whole bloggedy business is all about. 

I don’t really remember thinking much about the future before 1994. To be honest I had no ideas before that. Now that 30 more years have passed there’s more of my life gone by than I can expect to come. Whatever the future brings is ok.

I took these pictures because I went in to see my old students and found many of them in deep sleep. What a crazy country. I like it. School here is just totally unlike what I experienced. This is where culture starts.

Coarse and gutteral one syllable Anglo-Saxon with Mr Cynical- 1st September 1993

Hmph! You lucky bastards haven’t heard from me recently, ‘cos I’ve been sunning myself on the Costa Del Sol. Now it’s totally different out there to the pigshit situation here. I mean you’ve got sun + late-night bars + women coming out: of your ears. What’s this place got to offer? THE LURKERS once in a blue moon + a load of whinging vegetarians taking up too much time + space at my favourite pub – The Joiners.

That place has gone to ruin since those T.S.E. guys started putting on gigs there. Just look at how many landlords they’ve been through recently + you know I used to prefer it before it was done up too. Just hasn’t got the same atmosphere these days.

Last time I was there, I could hardly get in the fuckin’ door for people accosting me with left-wing political newsletters + rags. The funny thing is there was no one on the dance floor to see the band. In fact, I’d guess everyone there was running a stall.

What is this shit? It’s supposed to be a gig not a fuckin’ market! It’s like the music isn’t important: anymore. Mind you, judging by the bands they have who cares anyway? I don’t know how they can call themselves punk rock.
Why don’t they put on something confrontational like MANIC STREET PREACHERS or something like that?

Even when people do get on the dancefloor, it’s all so polite, isn’t it? “Oh excuse me, did I knock your elbow? I’m so sorry”.
Where’s the violence? Where’s the craziness? Where’s the spirit + energy of youth? The T.S.E. twats are all over 24. Take my advice, don’t bother going to another one of their gigs, unless you want to be bored shitless, by clueless part-time intellectual so-called punk rockers, who wouldn’t even shake a stick at one of the Queen’s corgis if it bit him on the arse. Twats! Long live. G.G. (I think ‘Mr Cynical’ must be referring to G.G. ALLIN – the self-proclaimed “wildman of rock + roll”, who died of a drug overdose a few months ago. What with this + POISON IDEA splitting, I wouldn’t be surprised if ‘Mr Cynical’ turns into a SINEAD O’CONNOR fan! – The Ed)

26th Jan 2024 – This last quip from Rich (The Ed) was about the one-page fanzine that I would distribute at shows called Fuck Around. It was put together without much thought by cutting out newspaper pictures and other bits and pieces. I ended up dedicating one corner of the work-photocopied sheet to Sinead because I thought she looked cool with her skinhead haircut.