No Left Feet – 31st January 2024

Don’t ask me to dance
I’ll step on your toes
Elbow your stomach
Watch out for your nose

My rhythm is off
I seem to be shaking
It’s a herky-jerky
I seem to be making

Don’t stare and laugh
Give me half a chance
I’m plenty good at other things
But never at this dance

Submitted to dVerse – dance

Today I’m feeling:

A little vague and blurry but positive.  I feel like I could easily sleep if given the opportunity. 

Despite being tired and hungry when I got home last night and then only a little to satisfy myself I found that I was still reading comics at 11.30 and then it took me a fair while to actually go to sleep. 

The morning alarm was a bit of a shock and for a brief moment, I contemplated snoozing it but made it up instead.

Today I’m grateful for:

Finally being able to crack the last part of the song that I was struggling to complete on guitar.

The best thing about today was:

My small grade 10 class again today who were a pleasure to teach and just talk with in general as the topic was about relationships.  My lesson was more focused on romantic relationships but many of the points cross over to any kind of relationship. 

As the English level of most of the class is quite poor I depended on the two good speakers to help translate some points and I could see that they were all able to understand to one degree or another.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

I got a message today from Nancy about not signing out when leaving school, which I haven’t done for about 2 years now.  She said ‘they’ would reduce my wages.  If they reduce my wages anymore I’ll have to start paying them to work!  She asked me to message Kru Tang, which I did and she asked me to sign out and I said that I would.  She didn’t mention anything about reducing wages though.  Let’s see what happens next month.

Something I learned today?

Last year the USA beat all previous records for sales of weapons to the rest of the world.  When is the rest of the world going to wake up to the fact that the USA wants more war to make more money?

Review your acts, and then for vile deeds chide yourself, for good be glad. — Discourses 3.10

I was pleased to see a couple of my usually lazy students pushing themselves a little more today so I made sure to praise them with personal messages this evening.

I took these pictures, as I mentioned last week because Cap was sitting here but decided to get up as soon as I got down to take a picture of him, so I took this series as he walked towards me.

Utopia Around The Corner – 10th January 2024

We should be living in a paradise by now
Yet wrapped in realities that ground our flight
Utopia hides, beyond the hillside brow
Amidst the chaos, in a darkened night

Around the corner, this dream quietly shines
A realm where peace sings a hopeful tune
Utopia beckons and yet this hope reminds
The journey will not be completed soon

In that elusive place, worries disband,
A sanctuary where souls find their rest,
Utopia calls from its promised land,
An oasis waiting, only found in death

Today I’m feeling:

Not too bad considering I woke up wanting to sleep more.  The abs exercises hurt as I was doing them and I can feel all the work that the muscles around the rest of my body had to do because my abs are still weak.  I’m now pretty convinced that my weak abs and connections to the hips are the cause of most of my body stress/weakness, down to my calves and up to my neck.  Slowly slowly.

Today I’m grateful for:

The Downy fabric spray that is trying to counter the smell of cat spray on the sofa and isn’t quite succeeding.

The best thing about today was:

My grade 10 class who were interested in learning, in the topic and discussing it as best as they could in English but mostly in Thai.  Having a keen, attentive class is a joy.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

Yesterday I got a message that today was a meeting for the foreign teachers to meet with the director but I sent a message to Kru Tang saying that I had class at that time and she was fine with that.

Later I got an assuming message from Nancy saying that it was a bit sad that I didn’t go and that I felt differently to the team!  FFS!

I told her that I had planned my lessons and that this one was quite important for my students this time and that if it was a different class then it might have been possible.  There was no reply after that.

That has upset me a little but I’m happy knowing that I’m doing the right thing for my students.

Something I learned today?

Today is Nomsen’s birthday.  Every day seems to be someone’s birthday.  Nomsen told me that she turns 14 but I’m not sure if she was counting correctly as another student in the grade above told me it was her 14th birthday today.

Review your acts, and then for vile deeds chide yourself, for good be glad. — Discourses 3.10

I comforted little Nicha who got reprimanded yesterday for having earphones in during class yesterday.  Instead of just being asked to take them out the teacher made a big deal of it and if she gets in any more trouble they’ll kick her out of school.  That seems a bit harsh considering what some of the other kids get up to.  Understandably she was a bit down.

I started my lessons on relationships for the grade 10s as Toon in that class requested it.  I made them Thai translations so that they could understand better the meaning behind the content.  In this case, I found that I wanted their understanding more than just using English.  Toon said she was happy with the lesson, so I’m glad about that too.

Tonaor reminded me that yesterday I told her I would give her a candy today. She caught me just as I was about to leave and I honoured my word, went to the car to get another candy and gave it to her. She was happy.

I took this picture because, for some reason as I approached the hospital to get some medicine, I was impressed by its stature. I’ve been here many times and not thought much about how it looks. Perhaps it was because it was approaching golden hour and the air turns a special colour.