I Was A Ghost, But I Was Real – 7th November 2023

When I was a ghost, my eyes were never met
Unknown, unspoken, unseen, unheard
There I stood, three monkies wiser
Until hearing the whisper of the magic word

A name on a page, a name in lights
Is that me, is this real?
Does a grain of sand on life’s beach
Really understand what the ocean might feel?

You can see me and I can feel you
Alone but never lonely, loneliness lost
Spaces filled with words and chatter
To balance it all comes at a cost

Tides are changing, shores are filling
Days and nights are both illuminating
The stories brought here remind me
Of the sandcastles we’re all creating

Inspired, borrowed, and butchered from this post at Spinning Visions (yet again!)

13th Jun 2024 – Submitted to dVerse – liminal

Today I’m feeling:

Better than yesterday though still not quite awake, I feel. I had fun with all the kids at the flag ceremony this morning but need this first coffee for my first class.

Today I’m grateful for:

All the people who handled the parcel of records that got delivered safe and sound to me today from Turkey. 

The best thing about today was:

Spending time and effort with one one-on-one reading with my grade 8 students. Both yesterday and today’s classes are a challenge and I think it is beneficial to spend even just five minutes one one-on-one as often as possible. I can only do this with about 6 or 7 students per one two-hour class though.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

My final class of grade 7s was disrupted somewhat as one student told me that a few of them were supposed to go for football practice. I told them that they could go when they finished their work but unfortunately they struggled with the work and then as it rolled past the time they asked to leave they struggled with their attitude. Many students ended up 20 minutes late for their vans as I wouldn’t let them go unless they at least attempted the work.

The kids don’t know how to help themselves and the other classmates that understand are reluctant to help now as their kindness has worn thin. The students that slacked last semester will struggle this semester as I ask them to think more about their own ideas, beliefs and feelings. Things that they can’t ask the answers from other students.

I managed to remain mostly patient throughout all this. Mostly.

Something I learned today?

I just realised that the candy I’m eating right now have little tidbits of information on them and so I just learned that crocodiles can’t stick their tongues out. Fairly useless information for 99.5% of people on Earth but there we are. I learned that today.

If I could change one thing about my life, what would it be?

I can imagine that this would be something ridiculous like not having to sleep or being able to party without hangovers! Or not die until I’m ready!

Or that I still had youthful boundless energy.

If I could change one thing about my life I would have done it already.

Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

It seems that I am always the one closest to the door so that if anyone ever breaks in to try and kill us they will go for me first. I don’t know if this is a subliminal thing on Amy’s behalf or why that makes her comfortable but it doesn’t bother me. I can sleep on any side of any bed so long as it is comfortable.

Right now we each sleep in the middle of our own King-sized beds which is both ridiculous and amazing.

I took this picture because this old boy was waiting for me to finish exercising so he could eat. Tigger wasn’t far away either. I didn’t feed them as Amy wants to do it ‘her way’ which I know is just to get their affections! I noticed that by this evening both cats are no longer looking at me with expectation but at Amy instead!

The Fountain Spring – 26th August 2023

Longing for those days again
Joyful plays in the sparkling sun
No matter the winds of change
You gotta grow up some

The spirit is the fountain spring
Forever trying to stay young
The mind and body know
You gotta grow up some

If the balance is off-kilter
There’s something to be done
Innocence cannot remain
You gotta grow up some

Keep the energetic wide-eyed sparkle
Everything will be fun
Don’t forget, at the end of the day
You gotta grow up some

wishing for more shiny things

Today I’m feeling:

Slow and achy. Slept for ten pretty good hours and woke to some aches and pains from my exercise this week. Push through again next week. Make it normal. No real plan for today beyond hanging out the washing and maybe vacuuming. The most stress will be deciding what to eat.

Today I’m grateful for:

The brief sunshine this morning that got my clothes 90% dry before a quick rain shower happened and I had to quickly drag it all inside the kitchen to get completely dry.

The best thing about today was:

Listening to Eat Avery’s Bones whilst phasing in and out of lucid dreams.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

Napping from about 4-6 pm kinda messed up my eating plans as I felt so tired that I would sleep again soon, so I didn’t want to eat a meal. I’ve been snacking all day instead and just about to get back into bed. I can eat tomorrow.

Who do I need to thank?

I generally thank everyone at the required moments in time. I don’t think I have anything in the past that specifically requires thanks though I could reaffirm my thanks to many people for their little slices of influence on me over my lifetime.

I took this picture last weekend because, on our bike ride, we came across this garden area that looked like it was being renovated. It’s on a main road but not a busy one and I’m curious who is likely to pay to come and look around here.