Under The Big Tree – 27th July 2023

A revelation of the vastness
Of the universe
*In the scale of the world
Ego diminishes*

Sitting under this big night sky
Lonely but not alone
A life lived put into context
Must be made one’s own

Ten thousand years will pass
Turning all to dust
Footprints left waiting in the mud
Maybe seen by none
When gods decide on supernova
No one will wonder
About all the thinking
Under the big tree done

* quote from David Elikwu
Submitted to Reena’s Xploration Challenge #320

Today I’m feeling:

Sleepy, not helped by the fact that morning classes were cancelled so I had no flow going for that time. It’s super hot and humid and no one wants to study. I still have class this afternoon but luckily I talked with David who said that the class were behind in his work, whereas they are ahead in mine so instead of teaching them I can let them catch up for him. Happy happy.

Today I’m grateful for:

The English Cheddar cheese chips at Makro that hopefully will stay available and not just be a short trial to see how well they sell. They remind me a little of old England and the regular chips flavours that I grew up with like cheese and onion, salt and vinegar or ready salted. The flavour combinations here in Thailand are wild to me though obviously understandable. I sometimes need familiarity.

The best thing about today was:

Making some deeper connections with some of my quieter students in a more relaxed space than just in the classroom where their bored little faces stare right through me. It’s easy to connect with the studious ones and even with the ones who don’t understand anything but the quiet ones take a bit longer.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

The whole school schedule is out of my control as I discover changes with very short notice and it has taken me some time to adapt myself to this. Now I’m more able to roll with the punches and today has certainly turned out in my favour.

Something I learned today?

Thaksin is due to come back to Thailand next month after 15 years in exile. I’m wondering if this could be a move to quiet any issues with the winners of the recent election not being part of the government? The machinations of politics in Thailand are difficult to follow but it all seems to come back to one word – corruption.

What would I like to accomplish soon?

This feels like a question for a younger person. Do I need to accomplish anything? Sometime soon, I need to clean my room and move my stuff back in there from the house. Hardly a big deal.

I don’t have any big goals or anything. I have plans but they are just things that will happen without much input.

I’d like to lose my belly fat but it also doesn’t really matter if I don’t because I can feel my health has improved in general. 

This feels like a tough question to answer for me right now.

Rista took this picture because she grabbed my phone to take photos of herself and Namkhing. This is my lizard eye. One that I never notice in my soft mirror at home. I must stop smiling.

Donation Pile – 19th July 2023

Tears of heartache spilt on her dress
The memory held must no longer impress
“This was me, but this was me then”
And she will never be that person again
She can’t carry all the ghosts of time
All the lives lived already left behind
She cannot hold on to the warm evening air
And this dress no longer takes her there

inspired by writing at Spinning Visions blog

Today I’m feeling:

Woke up feeling okay after a good sleep, shoving the fan against the open window again as the temperature actually rose during the evening. But as I was driving to work I suddenly felt a wave of tiredness come over my brain. My body still felt ok but my brain wanted to switch off. Unfortunately, that’s not an option but I wonder if this is my regular run out of energy that I will need a big sleep to catch up on?

(Later) I managed to pick up my energy throughout the day though I was looking forward to relaxing at home until Amy reminded me we have a plan to meet Nong Na.

It ended up raining so hard that when we got home everyone agreed to change plans to meet another day instead.

Today I’m grateful for:

My student Pin, who didn’t complain when I tracked her down in the canteen at lunchtime and made her try to read the work she should have done yesterday. I know she struggles to read so I wanted her to see that I am there to help her and push her forward even if the progress is only marginal. She did her best and I was grateful that she tried.

The best thing about today was:

Whilst I was standing amongst a group of students talking with Jet and Noah, Nicha stood beside me and started massaging my wrist and forearm. 

I’m not sure why or what was in her thoughts but I appreciated the massage as my wrists were sore from doing some push-ups this morning. 

I don’t feel uncomfortable when teenage students (boys or girls) do odd things like that. I think maybe they are testing boundaries or testing themselves in a safe environment. 

I know other teachers’ own boundaries may be pushed in that situation but I would never let anything become inappropriate. 

I play with my students as if they were my own children and would never hurt them physically or emotionally. I want them to grow, unafraid of criticism and to develop their own self-esteem and confidence in their own actions and emotions.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

Amy dropped me at school today so I had no car to zip out for coffee, not that I have much time on Wednesdays to do that. I embraced being in the school for the whole day and filled the time with helping, talking and playing with students and teachers alike.

Something I learned today?

The guy most of the country voted for in the recent election has been disallowed to be prime minister on a technical issue because that is what certain people in power want. When these people don’t get what they want through the systems in place, they can always find another way. The tide is turning but it’s too slow for many.

What am I feeling right now?

8 pm – Ready for bed but not quite out of energy in my limbs. 

My eyelids are heavy, my ankles are aching, my wrists are sore.

My mind is still humming though with the idea that I have to prepare some more lessons soon. I don’t think I have enough for some of my classes. I also know that I won’t have much free time in October to prepare for the second semester. This anxiety is sitting quietly in the back of my head.

I took this picture because this critter was sitting happily on the wall outside the classroom.

A Brief Interest, Fleeting – 13th July 2023

I’ve learned not to fall in love
With each racing of my heart
Each small attention to detail
No longer makes me fall apart

With the little time we have
There’s all the time in the world
I’ll learn to love that first
Before the loving of boys and girls

Inspired, again, by the real-life story of other people via Spinning Visions

Today I’m feeling:

Pretty good in general. Amy flies tomorrow and we will see each other so long as she can make the connecting flight in time.

My day started off well, forcing myself up despite wanting to sleep more and once I got going things all fell into place making for a calm and relaxing day of classes for a change. Sometimes I know the attitude I bring has an effect on how the classes go. Likewise, all the students bring their attitudes too so we throw it all into the stew and sometimes it tastes good and other times not. Because it is Japan Day tomorrow I’ve just been teaching about Japan and the kids already have a lot of exposure and interest so they were mostly engaged with it. 

Today I’m grateful for:

The paper and scissors that were available to my classes that enabled the students to make origami hearts and other origami figures. Luckily many of the teachers were doing the same things so there were lots of items available. Sometimes it can be difficult to scratch around for certain resources.

The best thing about today was:

When the students were making origami hearts I asked them to write inside the name of who they wanted to give it to. I suggested boy/girlfriends and mums and dads but I was happy to find some to teacher Shaun. The 12/13 year-olds can be adorable when they are not being little shits!

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

Thailand tried to vote for a PM today but predictably the process has been derailed to try and exclude the one MP that the people of the country voted for. I don’t see it as that much of an issue so long as the government can still be managed more by the party that people voted for but the system here is still dominated by military-appointed members which makes any progress here extremely slow going.

However, I knew this was going to upset Amy and she would see it as another negative point to be upset about. When the subject came up we soon decided not to talk more about it at this time.  

Something I learned today?

In a laughable irony, the UK has passed a more draconian national security law than Hong Kong has. Hong Kong, a place the UK and US have criticised for its strict national security law. The US security law also allows for targeted killings of US citizens in other countries! It is ironic that the paid protesters in Hong Kong have been allowed safe haven in the UK and US where they are now subject to stricter security laws than the ones they were protesting.

What do I like most about myself?

I don’t know how to answer this. The most? The fact that I’m alive? That’s quite enjoyable! 

Maybe that I can connect with kids easily. I don’t consider myself to be a particularly good teacher but feel like I’m a good human for the kids I meet. For most of them that is enough.

Maybe another thing is that I have gained wisdom as I’ve gotten older and I like the current version of me more than the younger version.

I took this picture because my student Tulip enjoyed looking ridiculous, covered in talcum powder and posing for a picture. Playing with powder and water seems to be a thing and it is a little annoying in class but at least it smells nice!

Fair-weather Fan – 15th May 2023

Cheering on the cheerleaders
We’re practising our cheer
It’s our team’s turn to rule
We are the leaders clear

Inspiring on to further heights
We’re living our best days
Until complacency at the top
Sees a change of ways

No longer on your side
You’re slipping down the ladder
Only winners get our support
There’s no time for being sadder

Who was that team we knew?
They’ve disappeared somehow
Forgotten heroes of the past
Are left to linger now

Today I’m feeling:

I’m happy and looking forward to teaching again. Meeting my students was fun and brought me happiness but I still feel I’m missing something deep down.

Today I’m grateful for:

All the class homeroom teachers who will take care of my students. I know all of them so I think we can work well together to mould the students to my wishes in class. It gives me a bit more confidence at least.

The best thing about today was:

Hanging out with my students again. A lot of them are disappointed that I’m not teaching them much or at all this semester. That was nice to hear but I know they will adjust quickly. I enjoyed being around them so much that I stayed until 2 pm even though I could’ve just gone home at 9 am if I’d wanted to. I met some of my new students too. They mostly seem shy so far. I’m sure that won’t take long to change though.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

I got my timetable for the semester which threw a few curveballs. Just one one-hour class on Monday which would be great but it starts at 1.30 pm so I have to go to school at 8 am and then hang around for five hours before teaching. I don’t really mind this. It gives me time to read or write or prepare… I can fill the time, no problem.

Something I learned today?

There are rumours that US NGOs paid voters for pro-democracy candidates in this weekend’s election in an effort to influence Thailand away from China and towards the US.  Whilst I think this is probably likely I would still hope that a new, younger government will be able to improve the situation for the majority of people in Thailand. There still seems to be a feeling of hope for the future. No doubt there will still be some form of finagling for the military-backed establishment to make sure they maintain power so it could all go to shit in a second so we’ll just have to wait and see. Thai people in general seem quite positive and accepting of their lot. Of course, they all wish it was better. It would be nice to get a sense of optimism for the future here though.

What is a book, movie, or song that has deeply affected me?

Too many to mention but off the top of my head Dostoevsky’s The Dream of a Ridiculous Man and Notes From Underground, Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina for books. Movies – movies seem to have a less deep impact though I enjoy many. There is one in particular though that I wish I could forget. That is certainly one that affected me and not in a good way. As for music, I think that is all about nostalgia. There are many songs that give me goosebumps.

I took this picture because Tigger was looking cute and relaxed on the chair under the table but he sat up before I could get the picture I wanted. I got this instead. What a life for a fat cat! Cap and Tig have been through so much and seem as happy as they’ve ever been.