Glimmers – 14th October 2023

Every little while
Comes. surreptitious smile
Whilst looking at a girl’s pretty toes
A leaf whirls from the sky
A bike goes whizzing by
Towards the city’s night time neon glows

The matrix may be woken
The nightmare briefly broken
When the moonlit water shimmers
A coffee cup of thoughts
Sees a pumpkin on the porch
And hopes to hold on to the glimmers

inspired by a couple of lines in this post at Spinning Visions

Today I’m feeling:

So tired. Only had about 5 or 6 hours sleep again but had to get up and go to meet Hayden and Bronwyn for breakfast and though I’m tired I still have energy reserves probably from all the food I’ve been eating.

Today I’m grateful for:

The guy from the AEC who helped us skip the hour-long queue because I told him we weren’t sure if we were registered. Neat trick. Got to the Yum Cha quicker for lunch.

The best thing about today was:

Walking around the park parts of Barangaroo and under the bridge, past the Rocks and to Circular Quay was pretty nice this morning. Even though the visage is familiar and I have many similar photos it’s pretty hard to resist taking new ones.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

My sleep is still totally out of control. The funny thing is that when I woke up at 8 am Sydney time and sent a message to one of my students, where it was 4 am, they replied wondering why I was still awake. I asked them the same thing! I tried to nap at 4 pm but that was useless too. I’m just out of whack.

Something I learned today?

Our friends Mei and Haken were in a car crash last night though luckily neither were seriously hurt. Mei was supposed to be a bridesmaid at the wedding today but unfortunately was still a little sore and shaken up for those duties.

What is something I look forward to every day?

Coffee. I’ve gotten used to the coffee in Chiang Rai now though and these Aussie coffees are not so tastily satisfying for me anymore. I managed to stick with just two today though, which is good.

Bronwyn took this picture because she wanted another shot of Hayden and me together. We looked at each other laughing and shaking our heads at her. I like this picture a lot.

*I want……… – 15th June 1998

Email with TLJ

T: ………… a big bowl of gelato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smeared all over you and let me lick it off!!!!!!!
how are you sweety

S: Not bad at all thank you very much dearest!

T: what time will you be home?

S: About 6-6.30 – I have to buy some vegetables and figure out what ahm gonna cook tonight – you want dinner?

T: still got those unix tests so i can go to your place and mark unix after SM?????

S: No, you’ll have to go straight home to bed young lady….

T: what time you going home???

S: Dint you just ask me that

T: or are you working hard!!!!!

S: Working hard! Oh yeah! Kinda…. Sorta….!

T: See you in the batcave Robin
DJ Freaky Fuckhead

Did you go YumCha? What do you mean you did nothing? I’m real proud of your marks in SS+N you know – one day I’ll ask you to marry me – but not if you get SMARTER than me (and don’t say you already are!)
Catch me soon I hope sweety – what’re yr plans?

T: YOU CHEER ME UP SOO MUCH – don’t ask why i’m emailing you at this time – since i came home, i’ve had a shit time. I

T: hey, i wrote this last night when i was having a really bad time with SM. i’ll tell you about it later. anyhow, what time are you going to be home tonight? my connection to uni keeps fucking up – i had to reconnect about 5 times in half an hour last night!
anyhow, done nothing today – hope today’s been more productive for you.
catch you later, will ring, love tlj

Hey gorgeous! Did u know I love u?

T: i love you!!!!!! thank you for my most excellent prompt – only now I don’t know how people will react.

S: Does it matter! You jest tell em someone who loves you changed yr prompt!

T: love tlj
ps – i love you

S: Me too!!!