No Rest – 9th October 2022

After death, you are put into a room
With a TV and some snacks
You will watch your whole life replayed
Perhaps to reflect on what it lacks
A minute-by-minute repeat
To observe each success and mistake
You may pause at any point
It’s a long time and you’ll need a break
After a lifetime looking back
You will be born to the world again
Taking the wisdom learned
Which the gods tried to explain

The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Today I’m feeling:
Happy and calm
Today I’m grateful for:
The man selling coconut water and pandan smoothies. Damn, they are delicious!
The best thing about today was:
Another long ass bike ride around the area I had discovered a couple of days ago. Google Maps lead me nicely astray again and I’ll have to wash my shoes yet again…

I took this picture because P’ti was squashed up against the window like this at Utopia this morning. So cute.

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