Dull Drone – 25th November 2023

Imagination once so bright
Turned toys into tigers
Battered to death with culture
That no longer inspires us

Today I’m feeling:

Tired and needing that Saturday morning sleep-in catch-up. Still stuck with this dry cough. My weight this morning is down to 78.45kg because of not eating much yesterday and no doubt contributing to my tiredness.

Today I’m grateful for:

Noey at Utopia changing my water to be room temperature instead of with ice after she noticed I was coughing a lot.

The best thing about today was:

A little evening ride around to check out new advancements in our little municipality.

Lots of new things going on and we ended up checking out a shop that we have been past many times where there are just a bunch of bean bags on a lawn with no cover. It stands out a little because the shop will have to close whenever it rains.

They serve some really simple food and speciality sodas. It’s a nice environment to chill out and is pretty popular now that things are back to normal after Covid.

What was out of your control today and how did you handle it?

Much of the day felt out of my control today but none of it was in a way that bothered me. Some days are easy to accept.

Tomorrow though there are things I want to do and I will push the time in that direction.

Something I learned today?

Hayden’s girlfriend Vashti will move in with him soon. They will have separate rooms so that they can get away from each other somewhat if necessary, which I don’t think is a bad idea. 

I realise that it was at the age that he is at now when I moved to Australia.

Review your acts, and then for vile deeds chide yourself, for good be glad. — Discourses 3.10

As usual I let Noey make my coffee at Utopia and despite it not being quite hot enough, it still tasted fine. I’m happy to let her improve her skills and be her taste tester.

After an afternoon snooze I was looking forward to going out to my room and playing guitar. Amy said ‘lets go for a ride’. Ok, I thought. It won’t be long before the sun goes down so there’s still plenty of time.

As we were riding around though Amy was looking for places to eat dinner. So even though it was now apparent that I wouldn’t be home soon, I happily rode us from here to there until finding a place to eat.

How do I practice patience and perseverance?

Well, as a quote-unquote ‘teacher’ this is an easy question to answer. I was fairly well practiced in patience before but even I have noticed that I have become far more patient these days.

As to perseverance I do remember as a child and teenager giving up way too easily whenever I found things too difficult. Somehow, possibly aligned with starting work, that changed. I started to enjoy working hard and to see a job completed, even if not always well done.

I believe I learned these traits from my mother who was always working and trying things. I’m grateful for that. Thanks mum.

I took this picture because this was the view from my beanbag at the restaurant this evening.

Let me know your thoughts